Repost - Announcement: Iraq Moratorium 9/21/07

… and every Third Friday thereafter. Today the Iraq Moratorium project steps onto the public stage!
Over 60% of Americans want this war over–yesterday. The political process is moving glacially, at best, to make that happen. It’s got to stop! We’ve got to stop it!
The idea is simple. On September 21 and on every subsequent Third Friday, millions of Americans will break with their daily routine to take some concrete step to demand an end to the war and the return home of the troops.

The hallmark will be the wearing of black ribbons and armbands, in mourning for all of those who have died in this senseless adventure–Iraqis, American and other coalition troops, and others. All of us who want this war ended can decide what steps we will take, individually or with others, on September 21. Together, acting where we live, work and study, we will create a mighty shout so loud that the media won’t be able to white it out and the politicians won’t be able to ignore it.
The Iraq Moratorium is not an organization. It was initiated by a small group of anti-war activists from very diverse backgrounds. We see it as a project that will strengthen the work of existing anti-war groups. Even more important, the clear and simple message, the local focus and the variety of activities it can encompass will bring into motion

It is a 21st century project: the Internet will help reach tens of millions with this message. Please help by forwarding this message widely, and in as many ways as possible.
To learn more, to pledge to take part in the Iraq Moratorium, and to get involved, please go to the website today.
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