Letter to Senators Boxer and Feinstein and Rep. Capps - Initially regarding the U.S. Attorney firings, it became a call for the impeachment of Bush.

In the face of the obviously politically motivated firings of U.S. Attorneys, the fact that the Bush administration is refusing to testify under oath and on the record is preposterous. It seems to me as a citizen, that the politicians that are working for we, the people, and should be required to provide full, public disclosure of their actions. Playing childish games and strong-arming investigations amounts to nothing more than obstruction of justice while trying to protect themselves from a prosecutable wrongdoing. They did it with the 9/11 Commission, stonewalling their investigation and refusing to release relevant documents that made that the commission's report incomplete and useless. We need to hold this tyrannical administration accountable for their actions - it is well known and well documented that they have:
1. Lied about reasons for going to Iraq, playing on the emotions of the people after the 9/11 attacks. Iraq and Afghanistan were planned targets prior to 9/11 with the tragedy providing an excuse to launch attacks although there was never any legitimate connection between Bin Laden and Iraq. An oil pipeline is planned in Afghanistan and Iraq's oil is clearly one of the primary objectives there.
2. Covered up prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks and avoided any type of real investigation into the incident.
3. Did not act or possibly even ordered a "stand down" of usual procedure to allow these horrendous acts to occur, costing the lives of thousands of Americans, but significantly benefiting their policies as well as their contributors. (I realize that this is political theory, but there is much evidence to support it - see "A New Pearl Harbor", by David Ray Griffin)
4. Allowed billions of U.S. taxpayers dollars to be lost in "rebuilding"
5. Enabled and supported policies that directly benefit corporate friends in big oil and at companies such as Halliburton (now moving to Dubai to avoid paying taxes on the money that they have already embezzled from the U.S. Government and people). The conflict of interest has been documented and is undeniable.
6. Allowed prisoners to be tortured both in Iraq and in Guantanamo Bay.
7. Exposed a CIA agent in retribution for her husband's findings that there was no Iraq-Africa WMD connection. Once this went public, the administration itself has remained untouched, never being indicted, and Libby has been made a feeble scapegoat.
8. Ignored the will of the people and Congress by sending more troops into Iraq.
9. Fired U.S. Attorneys that were not "loyal Bushies" and were either not dropping charges on Bush-linked Republicans, or not pursuing weak or non-existent charges on Democrats.
10. Actively covered up the science behind global warming, intentionally hindering the progression of climate change solutions.
11. In the eyes of the rest of the world, the Bush administration has turned the United States into an imperialistic bully with no regard to the opinion and will of the rest of the world.
I'm sure that there are more, but this will suffice for demonstration purposes.
We have been disgraced and dishonored as a country and as a people. I urge you and your colleagues to pursue investigations and indictments on these matters and hold Bush and his administration responsible for their actions. Their policies can no longer be tolerated by our country and he should be impeached for these crimes. If the Republicans could impeach Bill Clinton, an excellent President overall, for lying about sexual favors, then certainly even a few of the issues on the aforementioned list would qualify for the impeachment of George Bush as well as Dick Cheney. Please take steps to protect our once great country from a further fall from grace.
Thank you,
Clint Slaughter, M.D.